102 research outputs found

    Physicists' Information Tasks: Structure, Length and Retrieval Performance

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    In this poster, we describe central aspects of 65 natural information tasks from 23 senior researchers, PhDs, and experienced MSc students from three different university departments of physics. We analyze 1) the main purpose of the information task, 2) which and how many search facets were used to describe the tasks, 3) what semantic categories were used to express the search facets, and 4) retrieval performance. Results show variety in structure and length across task descriptions and task purposes. The results indicate effect of length and, in particular, of task purpose on retrieval performance of different document description levels that should be examined further

    E-bogen: Skandinaviske perspektiver pĂĽ forskning og uddannelse

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    De skandinaviske lande har endnu ikke oplevet den samme udbredelse af e-bogen og påvirkning af de skandinaviske bogmarkeder som de engelsksprogede lande. Alligevel er der en voksende interesse i e-bøger, ikke mindst i forskning- og folkebibliotekerne. Denne artikel giver et overblik over de skandinaviske biblioteks- og informationsvidenskabelige skoler og deres forskning og undervisning i e-bøger. De respektive institutioner præsenterer deres aktuelle forskningsinteresser og -perspektiver på e-bøger og digital læsning, og hvorledes e-bøger er integreret i curriculum og uddannelser. Artiklen ender med at fremhæve fire områder, som artiklens forfattere mener, kalder på yderligere forskning: • Deep reading og læseoplevelser på digitale læseenheder • Den fysiske bogkulturs betydning for læsere • Aftalegrundlaget for udlån af e-bøger og ophavsret i biblioteker • E-bogens integration med andre teknologie

    Wrist-worn pervasive gaze interaction

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    This paper addresses gaze interaction for smart home control, conducted from a wrist-worn unit. First we asked ten people to enact the gaze movements they would propose for e.g. opening a door or adjusting the room temperature. On basis of their suggestions we built and tested different versions of a prototype applying off-screen stroke input. Command prompts were given to twenty participants by text or arrow displays. The success rate achieved by the end of their first encounter with the system was 46% in average; it took them 1.28 seconds to connect with the system and 1.29 seconds to make a correct selection. Their subjective evaluations were positive with regard to the speed of the interaction. We conclude that gaze gesture input seems feasible for fast and brief remote control of smart home technology provided that robustness of tracking is improved
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